Isaiah 6:1-8
“In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!”
And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.”
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
Celebration of God's Blessings and Introduction to the Sermon
Greetings and blessings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, it is my honor and my privilege to be with you today, and I bring heartfelt greetings from our English district Bishop, Reverend Jeffrey miscus, and also from all of your sister congregations of the English district. We get together, we celebrate this day with you, and we're thankful to our Triune God for all the blessings that He has granted through this building to those over the years who have worshiped or have visited here. It is indeed a good it is good to celebrate God's gifts in our lives. In sharing with me about today's service, Pastor Huenink informed me that your congregation is in the midst of a sermon, a series of Sunday messages focused on the different stained glass windows in your sanctuary, and looking around, they are indeed beautiful and many part of the blessings which is celebrated today, he specifically asked me to focus my message on on that one over there, just a second from the end, on that side, you can rub her neck if you want to look at it, but I think it's also up on the screen right.
Exploration of the Holy Trinity and Its Symbolism
The essence of that stained glass I saw the picture, and it was just breathtaking to see it in Live is just even more spectacular when you see the total context of it. This one with the triangle, this symbol and the three half loops intertwined with it. They are Christian symbols. And Christian symbols often are intended to carry with them a meaning and and many times, actually started off as a teaching tool in the early church. I mean, you didn't have to have PowerPoint back in the day when, when the disciples were wandering around, or the early church was around, you could just bend down and draw a triangle in the ground, you know, in the sand, and start talking about it. The triangle in the stained glass window is a graphic representation of our one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the stylized circles are intended to teach us that there is complete unity in these three people. Now there's many different variations of this. This image in on the internet, you can go look it up. But this complete unity is important because the thought often comes to us that if there's three persons, then there must be three gods. And that's not true, one God. Now there are many other graphics which have been used over the years to help teach about the Holy Trinity, but today I just, I just want to focus on this one, this glass in your sanctuary, because it's something you see on a regular basis. So being here this morning and having pointed out that specific window, I have to ask, is this a simple triangle, a symbol of the Trinity, or can we also see in it a call into God's action of love
Isaiah's Vision and the Concept of Repentance
In our Old Testament. Reading for this morning, we hear that in the year that king Isaiah died, the prophet, Isaiah saw a Prophet SAW, sorry, saw a vision. I don't mean he saw a vision like a dream. He saw a vision. It was breathtaking. It was overwhelming. Angels and and an earthquake and the Lord himself speaking and smoke and fire and a voice that could bring the house down. You know, not, not a vision, a vision that was huge and breathtaking. And so what is, Isaiah reaction to all this? He is overwhelmed. He is awestruck. He does not take being in God's holy presence as a light, casual thing, nor does he think how special he must be cuz he's there, I get to see this. Aren't I special? No, quite the opposite. In the presence of this holy God. Isaiah becomes keenly aware of his own unworthiness. He cries out. Out. Woe is me. I am lost. I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for my eyes have seen the Lord of hosts,
Isaiah confesses his sinfulness in the presence of our holy God. This is repentance. This is what repentance is supposed to be. And now Isaiah may have been a better man than most, but, and he probably was, in many ways, but still, still the awareness of his own sin causes him to cry out as he mourns his woeful estate, and what effect does that have on his heart? He despairs. He despairs as we speak of the Holy Trinity this morning, we must share with each other the fullness of what this symbol in the stained glass is really conveying to us. Our God is a holy God, and He calls us to be His holy people, but we are not holy. We are far from it. We come into the presence of our holy God. And are we not condemned? Do not our sins leap up before our eyes. I'm unworthy. Woe to me, and we are like Isaiah. We mourn our sinfulness. Isaiah was moved to confess Woe to me. Woe is me. I am lost from a person of unclean lips. What about us? Have our lips been unclean? Have we been grumbling and complaining? Have we been have we even using our lips to speak about God to our neighbor, or have we been using our lips to speak ill of our neighbor, or to bring into question actions that our neighbor may have been doing, and what about our fellow church members? Do we put the best construction on everything? If not? Maybe we do have unclean lips that are in need of cleansing.
The Role of God the Father and Jesus Christ in Salvation
For this morning. Let's call that upward corner of the triangle, God the Father. Can you see that title there? It's not written there, but can you imagine it there? God the Father. Is the is the corner at the top, Isaiah was brought into the Father's presence, and he, as well as all of us, become aware of our sins and failures. And we ask, Who will save us, oh Lord God, who will save us from the judgment and wrath that we deserve. Let's name the corner in the lower right hand, Jesus Christ, looking into our gospel reading today from John three verses, 16 to 17 we heard read for us by Pastor. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, whoever that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Good news, great news, it's absolutely amazing. News, God the Father, has given us the way of salvation. He has given us the way out of despair. It's not our own making, nor is it our own ability or power. This way of salvation is his, and it's his gift to us alone. Nothing. Can we add nothing? Can we subtract from it? We are told in in John moved by his deep and profound love for the world, and I just have to stop there, because I I'm the mission executive district as well. And I just want to say, the world everyone, no one's left out, no one's excluded everywhere. There's no geography that God's word is not wanting to work in people's hearts. It. In all time. That's what is meant here.
God gave us Jesus Christ to gain for us forgiveness for our sins, a true love that casts out all fear and the promise of eternal life. Now there are some who would say that Jesus came to teach us the way of holiness, to provide a manual to guide us in performing a list of behaviors intended to obligate God to love us. In other words, we have to earn his love
that is not the witness of Scripture, and clearly not the teaching of the apostle John, nor of our confessions. Jesus was not sent to condemn or judge our actions, but that the world would be saved through Him in
now, while the the window that we are looking at this, the symbol that we're looking at this morning, doesn't specifically have a cross in it, I see that there are several of your windows that do have crosses in them. And that's important, because that is the more of the story that our symbol of the Holy Trinity is telling us, God did not give Jesus to walk among us. Teach us, show us that God the Father's heart, no, he came to be the one to give his life for us. He came to be the one who redeems us from all sin. If you are baptized, all of your sins are forgiven completely, the ones of the past, the ones you can remember, the ones you can't remember, the ones of today, the ones of tomorrow, the ones of 10 years from now, all covered by the blood of the Lamb.
He came to be the one to give his life for our life. He came to be the one who redeems us from our sins. He came to be our Savior. In fact, He is our Savior. He is the one and only Savior of the world. And the only way to accomplish our salvation was for Jesus Christ to take our place to take all of our sins upon himself and make payment for them as he died on that cross, Jesus Christ was crucified for you and still today.
It humbles me almost 30 years later, for me to recall being in a small village up in the northern part of the country of India. I was on a mission trip, and we were sitting in the middle of the village. It was after dark, and we were watching the Jesus film in the language of the tribe that we were at. I didn't understand the language. I knew the delay of what was happening on the screen. It seems that all the people the village had come out to watch this film projected on the large white cloth that has been stretched out at one end of the street. So it was a block party, the story of Jesus. And when the story arrived at the trial of Jesus, something happened that I have never before experienced in my life, the villagers started yelling at the screen, crying out in anger at the clear injustice of the events that were taking place in the trial, and they cried out even more when Jesus was whipped and When the story move forward to the crucifixion. That is when I I first heard the sound of muffled weeping coming from the villagers, not from any of the of the missionaries. The villagers, as a soldier, stabbed the spear into the side of Jesus body. Both men and women were now loudly crying for Jesus.
The Work of the Holy Spirit and the Message of the Stained Glass Window
So the message of the stained glass triangle takes us from woe is me to tears of sorrow. So to see what our salvation cost Jesus, and it brings us to a place of joy and celebration for the third and final triangle. Corner of the triangle in the stained glass window frame, there are We are, of course, going to name it the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune God, the apostle Paul, in our reading from Romans, tells us in verse 16 that the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, that is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us our spiritual condition before God, the Father, like Isaiah, we despair, to reveal to us our desperate need for a Savior, and put into our hearts of faith to know that Jesus is our only Savior, so we know hope and then reveal to us the heart of God for the world. I was visiting a family that had a wall of pictures. I mean, there must have been 100 pictures on this wall. It wasn't that big a wall, but it was just packed with these pictures, all in frames. They all had frames, all meticulously hung on the wall. And it was truly amazing to look at all the different people in the family. They were all family pictures, all the people in the family, all the people in the extended relatives, all the different events they've been to and been part of. And as we looked at the pictures, I asked, How often do you do this? Take the time to really look at these pictures? And I was not shocked at all by the reply. They said, not often they're there. We know they're there, but we don't. We don't like look at them that often. We don't pay attention to them every single day or every time we pass them. We don't stop and say, whoo. Look at that picture. I understand their experience. I I think we can all relate to pictures we have on display in our homes. We see them. Sometimes they catch us. Sometimes they don't, but otherwise, they're just another piece of furniture in the living room or bedroom or wherever. This family also had a digital picture frame. I don't know if you're aware what that is, but it's a basically, it's a screen, and you plug in a memory card into it, put power to it, and it rotates through the pictures on the memory card. Every so often, it changes the picture. It's like a new picture. It's revealed every few moments. And I was sitting in the in the family room, talking to the family, and it was so hard not to look at that screen. It kept changing pictures, you know? It got my attention. It kept my attention. Although I'd probably seen many of those same pictures on the wall, right? It's hard to ignore pictures that that are in motion. So in closing, this morning, I thought that I would share with you the back side of my business card, which also has a Trinitarian triangle on it. So you want to change the picture, there we go. That's my business card, not, not the name, number side, the other side, okay, but it has a Trinitarian triangle on it. So what I would like to try to do here is, I like to have you imagine in your mind's eye that you take the stained glass window and you lay it over the picture of my business card. Can you kind of imagine that?
The Movement of God's Love and Salvation
So there's connection to the two, for ref, for reference. Remember that the three corners still have the same names we've already given to it, but now there's motion. There's movement, starting with the Lord left, Holy Spirit corner. We were in the world. We still are, but we were in the world before we came to know Christ and God and the Holy Spirit drew us in to relationship with God, the Father. And of course, that first place we came to was a recognition that we are sinners and we cannot save ourselves. You. We were convicted, and we were in live, and we were enlivened within us the need for a Savior. And that's a green line. The green line arrow moving us from from that corner up to God the Father at the top. And when God, the Father, then gifts us with faith again through the Holy Spirit, but he draws us into relationship through the Word and the sacrament, he draws us to recognize not only knowledge that we are sinners and that we can't save ourselves, but also that Jesus was the one who died for us and paid for our sins. Again, it's God's action in us, and we are drawn along. So now you'll see that green line, that green line arrow moving us from the to to the lower right hand Jesus Christ corner and drawing us into himself and into unity with his body. And that's why I have a cross on my card, because I want people to know it's Jesus. That's that's our Savior. Jesus is the one who we walk with each and every day, he also draws us into relationship with each other as the body of Christ. So in Jesus, you are my sisters and my brothers. I used to joke with my guy friends. I'd say you're just a brother from another mother. Well, true enough, you are my brothers and sisters from other parents, from another place, but we are one in Jesus,
Conclusion and Call to Action
God's desire is always and has always been, that all the people the world come into relationship with Himself. And so there is a third green line. And this green line arrow moves us where back out into the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Being the children of God, we get to bring his love to all the people we have relationship with in the world, neighbors, fellow employees, people that we we know even stranger. And of course, our message, it's about Jesus. He is, of course, our message for all the people around us, all the people who are broken, all the people who are in sorrow or despair or poor or tormented or lost or and you can go on forever here, because there's so many variations of being broken, and that's why I have this cross on my business card, because we have movement from the Trinity, and we are God's movement. We are the ones who now participate with him and taking his message and his salvation into the world, brothers and sisters, we have so much to celebrate today, and I and I encourage you, do not allow that stained glass window to become one more static picture in your life, taking the time, taking notice of it only occasionally see in that image, that triangle, the movement of God, first for you and then for everyone, everyone around you, without exception, hear the call of God, the Father, upon your life, and take what you have received here in the divine service out into the world with you. This symbol is not just a triangle. It is a message of God's love for you and the world, amen. And now may the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ, Jesus, our Lord, amen. Amen.
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