Music Opportunities
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
-Psalm 95:1
The First Lutheran Choir sings at the 10am service from September through June, as well as, special holiday services and in the community. We are a “family” that loves to work hard and sing with passion.
Our rehearsals are Thursdays from 6:00-7:15pm. For more information, please contact Marilyn Hetherington.
The First Lutheran Handbell Classes meet every Tuesday for both a fall and spring session. One class meets at 4 pm and the other at 6 pm. Experienced or beginner are welcome. For more information and the current schedule, please contact Marilyn Hetherington.
Worship Band
Contact Marilyn Hetherington if you play an instrument or sing and, would joyfully help lead others in worship.