Here at First Lutheran, we are dedicated to walking with people on their journey to Jesus Christ.
Wherever you are on your journey, we welcome you!
Readings, Sermons and Prayers
To hear archived sermons please go to the sermons tab at the top of the web page.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace..." - Colossians 3:15
Want to get involved here at First Lutheran? Check out our different ministry opportunities.
About US
Discover what we believe, who we are, and what we do at First Lutheran.
Worship Services at 8:30am and 11:00am.
Fellowship at 9:30am and Adult Bible Study from 9:45am-10:45am.
Kids’ Sunday School 9:45am-10:45am for Ages 3 years-5th Grade.
Youth Group 12:15pm-2pm for Ages 6th Grade-12th Grade.
College Age Bible Study Meets on Mondays from 4-5pm in the Hall.
Afternoon Blast for Kids Ages 3 years-5th Grade. Meets Sundays from 1-2pm at Kennedy Park and Tuesdays from 3-4pm at Renette Park. Feel free to join us there!
Men’s Breakfast meets 1st Saturday each month at 8:15am in the Hall.
Ladies’ in Mission Potluck Brunch meets 2nd Saturday each month at 10am in the Hall.
Ladies’ Lunch Out meets Thursday, March 27 at 12pm at IHop in El Cajon.
Lent Soup Suppers/Services on Wednesdays, March 19, 26, April 2, 9 at 5:30pm Suppers/6:30pm Services in the Hall.
Holy Thursday Service, April 17 at 7pm.
Good Friday Service, April 18 at 7pm.
Kids’ Easter Celebration for Kids up to 5th Grade. Meets Saturday, April 19 at 10am. Join us for crafts, bounce house and Easter egg hunt.
Easter Vigil Service, April 19 at 5:30pm.
Easter Sunday Services April 20 at 8:30am & 11:00am.
San Diego Blood Bank Blood Drive April 26, 8:30am-2pm in the Front Parking Lot.
VBS Week, July 28-August1 from 3-5:30pm.
Office Hours
Phone: (619) 444-7444